Welcome to our website! We're happy you found us.
The first question we're often asked is,
"What is Holistic Journaling?"...
Holistic Journaling is
purposeful and beneficial journaling.
All of our programs, courses, and workshops are designed to benefit & help women: organically improve their wellness, increase knowledge, enhance self-compassion, deepen self-discovery, create positive brain change, process, recovery, and heal, and, using the brain's natural elasticity, help to rewire your brain in positive ways.
. . . all by using the powerful, proven, and affordable life-tool that is journaling.
Dive in and discover how getting inky with us can nourish, illuminate!
What's new...
We're excited to start offering you FREE documents that will help you journal beneficially. This, the end of a year, is ALWAYS one of the best times to reflect and journal. So, here are some great end-of-year journaling prompts for you to use with our best wishs for a wonderful, safe holidays season. Just click here and download.
As of January 2025, we're adding a new day a time to our Morningtides session! In addition to Monday and Friday mornings (7:30 am), we're adding an evening session on Sundays (7:00 pm)!​
Take advantage of the benefits of journaling
Holistic Journaling
gives you new insights into journaling and your Self.
Whether you're a seasoned journaler, a novice, or anywhere in between, we give new meaning to—and provide you with a whole new experience in—journaling!
HJ's live online, programs and courses are accessible from anywhere in the world.
Our aim is to help you can realize improved mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health & wellness through what the New York Times calls 'the panacea' that is journaling!
HJ also collaborates with counsellors, clinicians, and psychologists, to support their clients by teaching them effective journaling techniques. Please contact me to arrange an affiliation.

Holistic Journaling
Online, live, on-going programs
Register for these ongoing programs individually or,
register for them Annual or Quarterly & save!
Choose a quarterly (3-month) or annual (9-month) subscription to Understandink or Morningtides - or a Combo Registration - and receive discounts on these programs, all courses, plus more!

Live, On-line, Ongoing Program
A fruitful journaling circle of compassionate women who journal together up to three times per week (Monday & Friday mornings and/or Sunday evening). We practice self-care, & gain a little more sanity during these challenging times! Fresh prompts provided EVERY session.
Holistic Journaling
U of Ink
Courses and Workshops
U-Ink Courses are provided live, online from time to time. Currently, we're developing them to be available full-time, online. If you would like to book a live online course or in-person course (minimum 10 participants required) for your group or organization, contact: jill@holisticjournaling.ca to schedule.
Let's say it with more than words, get messy and have fun!
There are more fun, creative, & meaningful ways to express ourselves in our journals than by using only our words...
If you aren't into 'words' or don't know how or what to write in a journal - THIS fun journaling program is for you.
And don't worry - you don't have to be an artist or a writer!

Master Course
Explore, understand, and harmonize your inner world through journaling.
Radical Inner Harmony (RIH) is an original Holistic Journaling Ink course designed by Founder, Jill Grumbache. This course instructs and inspires you to discover, explore, understand, and harmonize all facets of your unique personality. Learn the purpose and process of various aspects of your Self, how they work together, and how to use this knowledge to gain inner harmony and peace.

Self-Talk Metamorphosis
That nagging negative voice isn't sitting on your shoulder, it's in your head. Wrangle that nasty dude and you'll live more happily & confidently!
No one talks to you more than you talk to yourself. So, it's critical that your self-language is helping you, not hindering you. Let's identify, explore, & transform your inner voice once and for all.

Isn't that baggage heavy? You can step into the future without the weight of the past.
Imagine that freedom!
Learn to let go of things such as self-judgment, anger, guilt, outdated beliefs, relationships, & long-term negative emotions from traumatic life events.
You CAN feel lighter, more alive.

Journal to the Self
For beginners and/or long-time journalers. Feel better--you can enrich your mental, emotional, & physical health with this course.
Discover the revelation of journaling or deepen & enhance the benefits of your current practice. Learn & test-drive 22 remarkable journaling techniques empirically proven to positively affect the health & wellness of your mind, body, and spirit.

Journaling Through Transitions
Life changes and transitions are tough. This course will help you understand & navigate the journey to feel better faster.
Learn the three stages of transition and how to navigate each stage for understanding, self-discovery. and acceptance. We'll use journaling as our powerful & meaningful tool. Afterward, you'll be ready for piloting changes in your future.

Master Course
The Healing Power of Your Side of the Story

New - TBA

Journaling for Caregivers
The person you provide care for has a story, but so do you. And chances are those stories are very different. Your own self-care includes telling your story as a method of relief, developing your own coping skills, & aiding your own healing. This workshop helps you learn how.

Balanced Positivity Through Perspectives
It isn't healthy for you to focus on the negative all of the time. Nor is it healthy to be perpetually positive. The healthy perspective is to recognizing both yet hold on to neither - this is achieving FLOW. This workshop helps you attain this beautiful balance using thought & journaling techniques.
Holistic Journaling
Private Beneficial Journaling Consultations
Being in a journaling circle or community is magical, but sometimes you need more privacy to discuss things you’re going through and want to sort out. Jill understands. That’s why she offers women 30- and 60-minute private journaling consultations.
Jill will listen attentively, sense your concerns, and work with you to determine your needs. She then designs personalized journaling techniques and prompts that can help encourage and support you with the goal of helping you process what you’re experiencing.

Affiliation Programs
When it comes to teaching and instructing beneficial journaling, Jill is considered a professional in this field.
As a Beneficial Journaling Educator, Certified Journaling Facilitator, ​Emotional Intelligence Coach, and Communications Specialist with almost two decades of experience, Jill offers an affiliation program/collaboration with psychologists, counsellors, and coaches.
Jill collaborates with you and helps support your goals and your clients' by working with your client, providing and teaching her individualized and personalized journaling techniques and prompts. Work can be done in-person or via Zoom.
Jill works with the highest of ethics and integrity, always maintaining your clients' privacy and confidentiality.
Please contact Jill to learn more and
arrange an affiliation.

"Scientific studies have shown
it to be essentially a panacea for modern life.
There are the obvious benefits, like a boost in mindfulness, memory and communication skills.
But studies have also found that writing in a journal can lead to better sleep, a stronger immune system, more self-confidence and a higher I.Q..."

I, as a writer and professor of writing, have witnessed repeatedly, up close: expressive writing can heal us.
A certain kind of guided, detailed writing can not only help us process what we’ve been through and assist us as we envision a path forward; it can lower our blood pressure, strengthen our immune systems, and increase our general well-being.
Expressive writing (journaling) can result in a reduction in stress, anxiety, and depression; improve our sleep and performance; and bring us greater focus and clarity.
These effects of writing as a tool for healing are well documented.

Journal writing...provides an opportunity for individuals to reflect on and analyze their lives, the events, and people surrounding them, and get in touch with their feelings. It is a therapy that requires individuals to be engaged in reflecting on and gaining insights about their lives and experiences...
Journaling is a holistic therapy because it involves all aspects of a person-physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Scholars have put forth multiple theoretical mechanisms by which journaling may produce beneficial outcomes.