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"The fact is, doctors can give you a life-changing diagnosis, but they're not always equipped to help you deal with the inner fallout: the confusion, anxiety, trauma, and dread that follow... Telling your own unique healing story can help you process what comes next--to come to terms, create new ways to thrive, and reclaim your person power." 

~ Annie Brewster, MD 
Author of The Healing Power of Storytelling

“Our personal myths cannot be woven of self-deception or delusion. They need to be constructed of the pieces that make the most sense to us. We need to discard the pieces that don't fit. To find our unique purpose and live with meaning we have to create a narrative t6ha embodies our personal story ---and no one else's.”


~ Sandra Marinella, MA, MEd


Telling Your Side of the Story through Journaling

The story that you have is not always the same story that others have, even while involved in the same scenarios and circumstances. Telling your side of the story is an essential part of understanding, healing, and finding the strength and ability to move on.

Next course begins:  April 7, 2024

I'll tell you the incident that inspired me to create this course. About 20 years ago my husband had a life-changing skiing accident. His injuries were many. But the one that changed our lives forever was his traumatic brain injury. From seeing him taken out of the ambulance at the emergency entrance of that small hospital, his head wrapped in a red-blood-drenched white towel, until our divorce 14 years later, we lived very disparate stories. As did each of our two daughters.


How I wish I would have journaled every detail of every day during those first three traumatic months of his hospital and rehab stays; not to mention a detailed account of what I was experiencing as a result of that accident throughout the ensuing 14 years. Oh, how I could have healed better and most likely faster. Oh, how life may have turned out differently. But then, I didn't know what I didn't know.


Now I know, and with the course, so will you.

Photo by Louis Galvez on Unsplash.jpg

"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you."


~ Maya Angelou

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Photo by Louis Galvez on Unsplash

Image by Quino Al

The Power of Telling Your Side of the Story through Journaling

“Writing is a beautiful way to let out pain. When you put your story out there, you release it. Once it is no longer buried or stuck within you, you are free to move forward.”

~ Sandra Marinella, 

The Story You Need to Tell: Writing to Heal from Trauma, Illness, or Loss



The various facets of your unique personality are called subpersonalities, and they are, what Jill calls, the musicians who comprise your inner orchestra.


In this course, you will learn how to identify your key subpersonalities, get to know what makes them 'tick', learn to understand and appreciate each, and understand how they are connected to one another in both unhealthy and healthy ways.


During this course, you'll receive free articles as well as two free workbooks to aid in this fascinating journey. No other materials or reading are necessary, other than your favorite journal and pen.


The result: you will understand how to become a master conductor of your inner orchestra, creating wholeness and harmony within your Self.

RIH Description

benefits to you
Telling Your Side of the Story can help you:

  • Process the difficult emotions that come with discord or life-changing events.


  • Cultivate resilience to move forward amid uncertainty and fear.


  • Move beyond being the hero of your own story to become the author of your own story.


  • Craft your narrative and share it in whatever medium speaks to you.


  • Integrate a traumatic health event into a new and evolving identity.


  • Use applied storytelling techniques to strengthen connections with loved ones and care providers.


  • better understand your family and friends and the world around you.


  • find freedom from self-destructive thoughts and behaviours.​


  • build a toolbox of coping and life skills


  • increase self-esteem, self-worth and self-confidence.


  • become more intuitive and creative.


  • reconnect with your authentic self.


  • experience self-actualization and self-realization.


  • discover value, meaning and purpose in your life.

Photo by Mor Shani on Unsplash_edited.jpg

course details

RIH teaches you a new way to understand your Self, create wholeness, and gain inner peace.


  • An 8-week course


  • Live, online via Zoom


  • 2024: April 7 through April 26


  • Sunday mornings from 9:00 am to 10:30 am EST​


COST: $780 CND

Monthly payment plan provided

Only 10 seats available, register soon!

RIH date price details

Roberto Assagioli,


the father of Psychosynthesis

“Psychosynthesis is interested in the whole building. We try to build an elevator which will allow a person access to every level of their personality. After all, a building with only a basement is very limited. We want to open up the terrace where you can sun-bathe or look at the stars.
It is not against psychoanalysis or even behaviour modification. Our concern is the synthesis of all areas of the personality.”


Sue Fox,

Trustee of the Psychosynthesis Trust

“Psychosynthesis is a holistic approach to helping the individual deal with dilemmas, conflicts and patterns of behaviours which inhibit or prevent living life in meaningful and fulfilling ways.” 

 Jodie Gale


Psychosynthesis is known worldwide as ‘a psychology with a soul’. It integrates the best that western psychology has to offer, along with eastern and western spiritual theories, practices and techniques; such as the art of presence, mindfulness, meditation and visualisation.  Psychosynthesis is a holistic approach of self exploration of inner elements and influences on health and well-being.
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