A 2020 study (1) suggested that self-talk affected how people coped with anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic. People who reported using positive self-talk had less anxiety about death and fewer symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
We have all heard that if you talk to yourself, you’re crazy, but that’s not always the case. According to research published by the American Psychological Association, talking to yourself in a positive way is actually very healthy for your psyche.
Iran J Psychiatry. 2020 Jul; 15(3): 182–188.
Self-Talk Metamorphosis Through Holistic Journaling
Quiet that inner critic & be kinder to your Self and realize an incredibly positive life transformation.
Next course date TBA
Positive self-talk is one of the most valuable tools you can use to keep yourself emotionally and mentally balanced. Many Olympic and professional athletes use it every time they practice or compete. I’ve seen it used by rock stars, movie stars, star surgeons—and I use it on a daily basis myself.
Positive self-talk is also a great way to self-soothe, and you can use it anywhere. It can help dial back the anxiety and depression from your moods, and it’s a simple method of building self-esteem. The real beauty is that all these things happen at the same time when you say positive things to yourself.
The Italian psychiatrist, Robert Assiagioli noticed several years ago that a great deal of psychological pain, imbalance, and meaningless are felt when our diverse inner elements (sub-personalities) exist unconnected, side by side, or clash with one another. But he also observed that, when they merge into successively greater wholes, we experience a release of energy, a sense of well-being, and a greater depth of meaning in our lives.
A person’s communication with themselves is called self-talk or internal dialogue. It is a natural cognitive process. People might engage in self-talk more when they face obstacles or challenges. People use self-talk either silently or speak to themselves out loud.
Negative self-talk can have a detrimental effect on a person’s self-esteem and belief in their self-worth and abilities. The College of Cognitive Behavioural Therapies (CCBT) suggests that negative self-talk can lead to a vicious cycle and self-fulfilling prophecy.
For example, if a person tells themselves that they will not be able to do something, they may be less likely to put effort into doing it. Then when they fail, the person might think, “I knew I could not do it. That is typical.
benefits to you
Self-Talk Metamorphosis can help you:
have greater life satisfaction​
increase your vitality
improve your mental health
Healthier immune system
Reduced pain
Better cardiovascular health
Improved mental health
Improved self-esteem
Increased vitality
Greater life satisfaction
Reduced stress
Better physical well-being
Increased lifespan
less stress and distress
better understand your family and friends and the world around you.
find freedom from self-destructive thoughts and behaviours.​
build a toolbox of coping and life skills
increase self-esteem, self-worth and self-confidence.
become more intuitive and creative.
reconnect with your authentic self.
experience self-actualization and self-realization.
discover value, meaning and purpose in your life.
course details
RIH teaches you a new way to understand your Self, create wholeness, and gain inner peace.
A twelve-week course
Live, online via Zoom
2024: January 9th thru March 26th
Tuesday mornings from 10:00am to 11:30 am EST​
COST: $1080 CND
Monthly payment plan provided
Only 10 seats available, register soon!
Roberto Assagioli,
the father of Psychosynthesis
“Psychosynthesis is interested in the whole building. We try to build an elevator which will allow a person access to every level of their personality. After all, a building with only a basement is very limited. We want to open up the terrace where you can sun-bathe or look at the stars.
It is not against psychoanalysis or even behaviour modification. Our concern is the synthesis of all areas of the personality.”
Sue Fox,
Trustee of the Psychosynthesis Trust
“Psychosynthesis is a holistic approach to helping the individual deal with dilemmas, conflicts and patterns of behaviours which inhibit or prevent living life in meaningful and fulfilling ways.”
Psychosynthesis is known worldwide as ‘a psychology with a soul’. It integrates the best that western psychology has to offer, along with eastern and western spiritual theories, practices and techniques; such as the art of presence, mindfulness, meditation and visualisation. Psychosynthesis is a holistic approach of self exploration of inner elements and influences on health and well-being.